7. Kaia FIT Reno Midtown
Kaia FIT Reno Midtown is one another annex of the Kaia FIT but this center is located at 75 Cowan Dr Reno, NV 89509.
At Kaia FIT they focus majorly on personal fitness results achieved by working as a team in a oneness spirit atmosphere. Kaia FIT should be thought of as a team sport. And not the typical gym people go about visiting.
They are not a room loaded with strangers, they fitness comprises of group of ladies that assists and love each other. Kaia Fit training center is an all-round women’s only year around fitness facility. In the Kaia FIT classes you are surrounded by women motivating and helping each other accomplish common fitness goals.
A bogus reason for asking you to devote totality to a class time is so you own up totally to your classmates or teammates each morning/evening. All the women in Kaia fitness center along with Kaia coaches are what keeps you inspired, accountable, and goal driven. In return you are being counted on as well. Kaia is a real team sport made up of goal driven women.
A very good example of Kaia takes place during their 6 week BRIK Boot Camp program. This is a program philosophy that goes much further than just a fitness workout. The belief is that the 3 yearly BRIKs are the cornerstones of women fitness and health, and can be incorporated into daily life activities.
Kaia FIT Sierra – West Reno is a having the best women in the field and also women in the making. The main target at the fitness center in Reno is to ensure that every women enjoy the best of fitness within being shy or intimidated. Age has never been a barrier for anyone who wishes to join the center.
Heather H believes that Kaia is the best fitness center for every woman. She claimed that she has gotten stronger since she joined the league. Danielle however revealed that she had tried out many gyms and even practiced all by herself at home but looks nothing like it since she joined the women at Kaia FIT Reno Midtown.
Contact information
Phone number: (775) 657-6478
Business Website: http://www.kaiafitmidtown.com/home
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