Trainers, Nutritionists

Eduardo Yibrin is a  fitness center with Personal Trainer/Fitness Nutrition Expert /Rehabilitator with experience in a wide range of clientele including those who participate in sports, rehab, youth, weight loss, lean muscle mass gain, bodybuilding/body figure, and many others.  Training techniques are varied to suit the individual’s needs and interests and include weight training, boxing/kickboxing training, kettlebell, cardio, yoga, sports exercises and more.  Services include total lifestyle consultations diet, supplement and nutrition planning, constant accessibility and guidance.  Personal training services include: Preparation for future body figure competitors, Personal evaluations according to each client’s individual goals, evaluate each client’s weaknesses, motivation, goals and skills, Ongoing assessment of client’s daily integrated training methods, supplements and nutritional strategies, Provide advice while continuously implementing/alternating different training techniques to maximize results, SPECIAL!! Discounted rates for couples or groups of 2 or more that train together, If you play golf, tennis, soccer, or other sports and want to improve your strength, power, speed, balance and endurance, Eduardo Yibrin can tailor a fitness program and advise a nutritional regimen. See results as soon as 4 weeks and impress friends and family.

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