Trainers, Gyms

Eastside Strength & Conditioning is a small, coaching-oriented gym providing personal training and small-group classes, as well as instruction in the starting strength method and amateur raw powerlifting, general fitness for athletes and non-athletes, and CrossFit-type training. It offers group strength and conditioning classes for a monthly rate, as well as private personal training sessions on an ongoing or ad hoc basis. The small-group dynamic classes offered are fun, motivating, and sometimes competitive (depending on clients’ choice). It integrates barbell strength training and technique and skill practice into varied, challenging workouts. Group classes are one hour. Also, the personal training & starting strength coaching involves individual training which includes instruction and training tailored to clients’ needs and goals in a 1:1 setting. This can be an ongoing training option or an occasional session/series to tune up their skills or work on specific areas and goals.

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