5. CorePower Yoga


CorePower Yoga Training 18884 E Hampden Ave, Aurora, CO 80013. The gym was established in the year 2002. The fitness centre has more than 150 studios nationwide and they all offer varieties of classes. Corepower yoga is founded and owned by Trevor Tice, who is also the CEO of the fitness centre.

The workout at Corepower yoga are designed to work every emotion and every muscle, turning stress into sweat and doubt into security. The class at CorePower Yoga are taught by encouraging and passionate yoga instructors that are also certified. The fitness centre also offers Teacher Training programs which is transformative Yoga. This is aimed at empowering students to become yoga instructors or better still, advance their practice individually.

When a serious climbing accident left him with six permanent screws in his shattered ankle, CorePower Yoga Founder and CEO Trevor Tice experienced first hand the benefits of yoga.  An avid outdoorsman, Trevor was left searching for an exercise to replace the running, climbing and other physically challenging activities no longer accessible to him.  He found yoga and was hooked.  In 2002, Trevor opened the first CorePower Yoga studio on Grant Street in downtown Denver, Colorado.

CorePower Yoga strives to increase awareness and widespread adoption of yoga by making yoga accessible to everyone, through a variety of yoga styles, for beginners and more advanced yoga students, and yoga class times to meet any schedule.

CorePower Yoga provides a challenging yoga class that allows our students to see benefits in all areas of their lives.

Elizabeth M. from Denver, CO Claims to love the Coreyoga Fitness centre and the Hot Yoga is her favourite. She also said the owner also give modifications for members so that the workout fits any individual of different fitness abilities. She also said the gym has a friendly environment and so are the staff. She also mentioned that the gym is clean with good parking.

Christina G. from Aurora, CO has a really bad experience with yoga 20 years ago and instead took up running but she has since been encountering ongoing injuries from running until she decided to check CoreYoga gym based on what people are saying about the place.

She reported that the yoga at Coreyoga Fitness centre opened her eyes to how weak her core was. She has now come to see what an amazing workout Yoga is. Christina claims that she has been gaining flexibility since she started visiting the gym some months back and her running has become lighter and easier. According to her, the studio is great and the coaches at the gym her wonderful.

Tiara Q. from Denver, CO is lucky to live close to CorePower Yoga fitness centre. She said she has tried different classes at everyday at the gym and reported that each one of their instructors each has great things to offer.

She also said the enjoy the music in the class and the way the classes are hot. According to Tiara, the owner of the ym is very approachable and she seems to be very impressed with everything about the gym.

She also mentioned their yoga at the gym is expensive but it is worth it and she describe the sculpt class as a “but kicker”. Tiara also added that the gym is convenient and clean.

You can contact the CorePower Yoga Training centre on (303) 400-5580 or visit their business website at www.corepoweryoga.com to learn more.

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